IF THIS IS A MEDICAL EMERGENCY-call 911 - Do not avoid emergency medical care for fear of cost.

If you have a health care related question and need to speak to a health practioner-contact your doctor. If you don't have a doctor, please contact your local community health center or area hospital.

If you are an individual and want to find out if you are eligble for Commonweatlh Care and/ or have questions about getting insured AND you have reviewed our Basics section and our Guide for Artists, contact: Health Care For All's Help Line: 1-800-272-4232 (this help line is for individuals only)

To keep our cost down, we do not send mailings to individuals or organizations (VIA US Postal Service).

Healthcare for Artists
PO Box 382419
Cambridge, MA 02238

For general questions on HFA, email Healthcareforartists (at)